SEA 2019 Entrepreneurial Leadership - Mark A. Martin
The Sacramento Entrepreneurship Academy proudly recognizes outstanding Fellow graduate Mark A. Martin, as a 2019 recipient of the coveted James R. Corbett Founder's Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
Mark at the SEA Final Presentations
Mark Martin is the founder of Recycle Genie, which is progressing the Zero Waste initiative, by helping business and household recyclers cash in on the redemption value of their cans, bottles and e-waste with a convenient pickup and pay-you-on-the-spot service. Recycle Genie brings the recycling center to your door.
Mark with his family at the SEA Showcase
Mark exhibiting Recycle Genie at the SEA Showcase
Mark was recognized by his peer Fellows, Mentors, Alumni and Board Members for exhibiting key entrepreneurial traits, such as being Laser-focused, Empathetic, Imaginative and Open-Minded.
What people have shared about Mark:
“I think Mark has improved the most throughout the program. He gained confidence with each presentation and worked very hard to make his venture a viable business.”
“Mark, listened and was open to the input and what it would take to make his project understandable to the lay person. He also drew upon all his knowledge and experience into his project. He went from chillin to confident and professional.”