SEA-led tech startups capitalize on free advisory services

TECH STARTUPS: Did you know you can get No-Cost Advising from the Tech Futures Group (TFG)? TFG works with tech companies in all verticals, including: software, hardware, mobile, Internet, telecom, life sciences, clean tech, bio tech, and others. You can gain complimentary access to experienced advisors who specialize in pitching to VCs/Angels, IP issues, financial modeling, and SBIR/STTR grants.

It is not surprising that 2019 Fellows, Colton Westmoreland, Jose Zavala, and Benda Zhu, have taken the initiative to apply.

They follow in the footsteps of SEA alumni who are benefiting from the TFG program: 2018 Fellow Joaquin Muñoz for his ReLiveIt Sports venture and Alumna/Program Director Christy Serrato for her PairAnything venture. As TFG clients, they are paired with an Entrepreneur-in-Residence ("EIR") and have access to a team of specialist advisors in intellectual property, fundraising, financial planning and projections, and federal grants. 

Importantly, TFG takes no equity and accepts no cash from clients.

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) funds the TFG program, which focuses exclusively on advising qualified technology clients located in the NorCal SBDC network coverage area. Funding from the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the state of California allows TFG to pay its advisors and provide free services to its clients. Visit the TFG FAQs page for more info. 


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