NY Times features Notifii

As the flow of deliveries continues to increase, New York City residential buildings have implemented high-tech solutions, such as Notifii led by SEA founders Syta Saephan and Anh Tran.

Hazel Towers, an 18-story building in the Pelham Bay section of the Bronx, uses Notifii, a software system that scans packages and notifies residents by text or email when something has arrived for them.

Carla Carroll, 56, a merchandizer for an eyewear company who has lived in Hazel Towers for the past 14 years with her husband and high school-aged daughter, gets frequent deliveries for her business and said Notifii has definitely improved package delivery in the building. “Before the Notifii system it was more hectic for the concierges to identify, process and log in packages,” said Ms. Carroll. “The turnaround time for a delivery was a bit longer especially at key shipping times of the year.” She especially appreciates the reminder texts she gets when she hasn’t picked up a package within 24 hours.

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