Test drive your startup pitch

SEA ENTREPRENEURS:  If you'd like to test-drive both your presentation and your business idea in front of a live audience who will provide you with valuable feedback, apply to present at 1 Million Cups Sacramento! Spots are open for later in May.

1 Million Cups Sacramento meets every Wednesday morning from 9:00-10:00 am at Impact Venture Capital in Downtown Sacramento. Over 150 early stage startups have presented since our chapter launched in 2016. Each presentation lasts 6 minutes followed by a 20 minute Q&A with the audience. Our audience is primarily other early stage founders. We average about 25 people in attendance. The entire program is free to both the presenting startup founders and the audience.

If you would like to present,  submit an application here. It's perfect for early stage companies! Prior to your presentation, we provide a 30 minute coaching session on your presentation via a web meeting. 


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