The Painful Truth About Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

That's an impressive word: entrepreneurship. It's a word that's filled with optimism and the prospect of joy and riches. Millennials and veteran careerists subscribe to the world of entrepreneurship with strong enthusiasm, hope and energy. It's a safe, secure and simple path to freedom and success.

While it's true that entrepreneurship is worth pursuing as a career, it's also true that it's a tough career.

Launching a business is not the problem. Building it into a successful empire is.

Here are the painful realities of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

  1. Your idea may just be a mere hallucination.

  2. Entrepreneurship is a 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. job.

  3. Procrastination is your biggest enemy.

  4. Are you willing to sacrifice your life?



Obadiah Bartholomy, SEA 2019 Fellow


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