360° Entrepreneurial Business Bootcamp for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
President’s Message
“Live your dream … change the world”
Hello SEA Community,
“Entreprendre” is a French verb for “Start” or “Initiate”. But being an entrepreneur is not limited to starting a project, it is much more than that. Entrepreneurs solve problems and make the world better.
Entrepreneurs can’t stand when things do not work well or are outdated, and they see a business opportunity by rejecting the status quo and by seeking better solutions.
Entrepreneurs then share their dream with others, convince them to join their team and ultimately are willing to take a risk to embark on a formidable journey.
Through its 15 weeks in-person bootcamp, SEA provides dreamers with the tools and connections to top-tier professionals and mentors, most of them entrepreneurs themselves, to be entrepreneurs and set the foundation for a successful business.
Come to SEA and TOGETHER we will change the world.
Dr. Christian Renaudin
SEA Board President
Teach the basics of a business plan
Operated by passionate educators with start-up experience
Go from idea to start-up creation
Engage you for team work
Tell you how to share your story with investors
Help you network and connect with our business ecosystem
Elevate you to gain confidence
Relentlessly rehearse pitch and win